Traditional Values Made Us, Innovation Moves Us!

Our lineage in real estate dates back to a time when ‘Lots and Farms’ - not ‘Condos and Townhouses’ - were the norm. Mississauga looked a lot different in the early 50s, and it certainly wasn’t one of the largest cities in the country yet.

At that time moving decisions were not made for the reasons they are today.

The story of LFR began in 1954 when Dawna’s father Fred first opened the doors to his modest real estate office in Clarkson, Mississauga.
Fred saw real estate as an opportunity to combine his livelihood and passion for community building, which he continued to do well into his 80s.

My father never worked with people who didn’t become an ongoing part of his life. Fostering relationships and community will always be our focus

— Dawna Lyons

Lyons Family Realtors Mississauga Founder
Lyons Family Realtors Mississauga 1954

The real estate industry moved slower and with a different purpose in the 1950s. At that time, billboards and fridge magnet home delivery were not characteristic of the real estate experience.

A pioneer in Mississauga real estate, Fred was among the original members who formed the South Peel Real Estate Board, which later became the Mississauga Real Estate Board (MREB).

Integrity Always

Leads The Way

We combine Fred's fundamental values with our progressive vision to re-imagine real estate. While we remain true to our core virtues, we’re vigilant in our efforts to bolster the identity and trust within our industry. 

Times may change - but I would like to think that integrity, value, and honesty will always shine through. Your name is your reputation, and you only get one chance to treat others with respect - don’t take it lightly.

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